Thursday, July 25, 2013

Battle of J7-25...After Action Report

Editor's Note
While I try to keep most thing on Never Pheed the Troll to my life in New Eden, and the game EVE online. This is an important event in my real life and I feel that I have to write about it. But I will keep it in line with most things here and I am writing it as an After Action Report. Also I did this cause I am a Role Playing nerd.

Called to FC
At 22:00 EVE on July 24th YC-115, I received a call that I was needed to FC an op with my wife ZhangLi Jorkarzul. We needed to go to our staging Hospital and wait for the incoming fleet to come in a engage. As time clicked on we talked and sang songs trying to relax for the fight ahead. At 03:00 EVE we began to induce movement trying to force the Force of Birth fleet to take the fight. We wanted to fight in our staging system as we had a ZhangLi's  Mothership proving boosts, and fighter bomber support. At 14:00 EVE after 11 hour of waiting and no movement from the Birth fleet, and ZhangLi in more pain than anything, we decided that if they were not going to jump into us we would jump into them. I had our fleet burn to zero on the gate and gave the order, "Jump, Jump".

The Battle and Reward
We jumped into the hostile fleet and we began to make quick work of  PAIN warfare ships that they had on field. They called ZhangLi primary and focused all DPS and PAIN warfare on her. But the T2 morphine ECCM module that ZhangLi was using making sure that PAIN was not jamming her out of the fight. Also our logi team did a great jump keeping her tank up and she was able to take all incoming damage. After a 30min slugfest the moment of truth came, and I was presented with my beautiful blue eyed baby girl, Molly 茉莉Jorkarzul.
Everyone welcome Miss Molly 茉莉 Jorkarzul the newest member of Deep Void Merc Syndicate.
Op Success
I am proud to say that after nearly 16 hours of fighting we can say that we won the Battle of J7-25, and July 25 YC-115 will go down in major victory for Dv-MS over Forces of Birth. Here is to more successful ops in the future and thank you all for all the support that you have given me and the corp. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Alliance Tournament XI..Winners and losers Round 2

Round 2 Flight 2

Round 2 Flight 1
 Winners and Losers
Flight 1
Round Two is in the bag and the winners and losers have been decided.  In the first flight the big winners Your Votes Don't Count, TEST Alliance And Red Vs Blue. I don't think that too many people thought this alliances would be moving on in the winning round. It should be noted that all the losers in this flight are not out of the tournament only on the backside. I am hoping that The Ronin, Rote Kapelle, TEST, Exodus., RvB, Hydra Reloaded and Pandemic Legion all continue to have good showings and keep winning.
                                                                                                                                                                             Winners and Losers
                              Flight 2                                 On the backside of the bracket we have the first teams out of the fight. Or Sound Mind, Goonswarm Federation, Noir. Mercenary Group and Kill It With Fire are the big one that are gone. On the backside I like Sicarius Draconis, SCUM, and R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.  I hope that they keep up the good fight and keep winning. The tournament is just heating up and more good fights are sure to come. Stay tuned for more info on EVE Online Alliance Tournament IX. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chasing the Dream...Round Two of Alliance Tournament XI

Winners and Losers

While I wish that I had a better showing from the teams that I wanted to win. Over all the matches on the first night were good fights. to the left are the winners and losers. Winners in green losers in white. I am surprised by Urine Alliance and Scum. didn't win and that Scum really didn't put up a great fight. But overall I think that the team that were meant to win did. C.V.A. had a really good fleet, though R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N didn't have a great set up. Over all it seemed that Drones were in and that is what the major players wanted. 
Matches to Watch it round Two.
Some of the more interesting matches coming up in round two will be CVA and The R0NIN they both had a really good set up. Rote Kapelle and Sleeper Social will be good. And DnD will be taking on Pandemic Legion, this match should be good.  In the second half of play Urine Alliance vs Kill it with Fire, and Noir Mercenary Group vs Hun Reload. All four of this teams have a strong alliance showing so it is sad to think that two of them will be out after tonight. 
Twitch TV Link

Watch live video from twitchernest on

Full Schedule of Sunday the 21st

Who we want to Win 
Rote Kapelle
Verge of Collapse
Hyrda Reloaded
Red vs Blue
Drunk 'n' Disorderly
On the Backside
Sicarius Draconis 
Noir. Mercenary Group
Urine Alliance

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dominixes, Drones, and Death...DnD holds off the Kadashi

Good Fight, just too late...
The Kadashi put up a good fight, but it was too little too late as Drunk and Disorderly pushes to victory.  The Kadashi entered the field with a lot of tank, but not a lot of damage, and as it was said in the chat, tanks are good but the DPS is needed. DnD on the other hand showed up to the game with heavy Dominix fleet and Sentry drones. As the match went on the heavy DPS from the Sentries took it toll on the Kadashi's mallers and their cruisers went down, but DnD all lost a domi, cutting into their applied DPS. Finally reps stabilized and DnD was able to get back on top of the fight. It was a slow push, and it was hard push to victory. Tomorrow DnD has Pandemic Legion, it was going to be a hard road to go.
Thoughts on the Tournament
The flavor of the day in AT XI so far has been drones, and lots of them. Outside one heavy brawler set up, by Co2, nearly every other match fielded heavy sentry drone setups. This gangs are really quite good as most EWAR does not work on them to the same degree of other fleets, and heavy tanks that can be fitted on these boats, Vexor Navy Issues and Ishtar's can pump out 750 dps with good skills, and Dominixs can pull out 1000 all while keeping a good tank. With new rules of the tournament and chance to ban ships, so that they can not be used. I get the feeling that with huge showing of drones in the AT, that Domis are going to be at the top of everyone's banhammer list. The tournament has been good so far. Lets hope that fights stay as good as they were in this first round.

Scum. Down

Welp, one match and Scum. is on the backside of the bracket and Circle of Two advances.

What can I say Co2 had a good game plan from the start, seeing a heavy damp fleet on the field the burnt in to close the range and get under the damps. There their two powerful Macharels would punish Scums Vindicator battleship. After losing the vindicator SCUM no longer had the DPS to put up a good fight, it was only a matter of time to knock out the rest of their fleet. 

Death is coming....Alliance Tournament IX

Alliance Tournament IX is starting today, and many alliances are screaming "it's a good day to day."  All major alliances in EVE are trying to be ranked #1. CCP is also live streaming the fights on their twitch channel which is embedded here. 

On thing that set EVE apart from other games is meaningful PVP.  In a game where if you lose your ship its goon and you now have spend a few hours grinding isk to get it back, it means a lot more in say LoL or WoW where you just respawn. It is also what sets Alliance Tournament apart from the rest of PVP in EVE, is that is the closest to a "normal" PvP experience from another game. Except in true EVE fashion there are no respawns. One ship per pilot.  

The Alliance Tournament breds a different culture in EVE. Alliances like Pandemic Legion, Rote Kapelle, and Hydra Reloaded all have a strong tournament culture. Every year these alliances put up strong fleets. These alliance don't just fight for bragging rights, they also want the sweet sweet faction ships that go with winning an alliance tournament, new Alienware computers, and Razor Headsets.  

Never Pheed the Troll will follow the matches as they take place and I'll try to make sure that get a bit of a blurb about the matches that is see. Day one matches are post under the feed. 

Watch live video from twitchernest on
First round of Fight on Saturday, July 20th

Who we want to win Day One.
Verge of Collapse
Rote Kapelle
The Fourth District
Late Night Alliance
Sicarius Draconis (Gallente FacWar)
Noir. Mercenary Group
Hun Reloaded
Urine Alliance
RvB (purple fleet)
Pandemic Legion
Drunk 'n' Disorderly (Former Gallente Federation FacWar)
All other alliances I could care less about. Personally I want Goonswarm Federation to lose but I also hate Sleeper Social Club. Over all I want DnD to when the whole thing, cause I know pilots there and have flown with them too. So go DnD.  I hope that you all enjoy the matches. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Fall of Pride....

Pride costs more than hunger,

thirst, and cold."

-Thomas Jefferson

While it is said that Caldari are the proudest race in New Eden, we Gallente are a proud people too. We have pride in the Crystal Boulevard. We have a deep love for the Federation and the freedom that it give us, but this pride has weaken us.
"For the Federation!"
"For the Federation!" is our battle cry. For Freedom and Justice are what our fleets are based on. We built our fleets on our pride. A pride that told us we were better than we really were. We forgot about the hard work that brought us to the top. We stopped plexing, we stopped running system to system to chase the Squids out. We let them plex and wear us down. We said, "Tomorrow I will deplex that system."  We passed the buck to each other. We forgot that while we are all different alliances and corporations we all are in this fight together. We have let internal politics and fighting break us up. The once drama free coms of the Galmil have become a beacon for it. We held the war zone in our hands and let it slip away in our pride.

For the pass four months while we won battles the Caldari have been winning the war. They took system after system and we let them. Our killboards have shown huge gains, but we hold less space than we ever had. Our fortresses hold the line, but for how long? All of New Eden is watching us waiting for our fall.

Lets not give it to them. Stand up my fellow Gallente and fight. Let your pride humble you,  but do let it bring you down. Your are pilots of the Federation. The Federation has given us the greatest star ships in the Cluster. We have the best Fleet Commanders in four militia. We most versatile doctrines out in space.  We are still in this fight. It will be hard no doubt bout that, but we are still in this fight.

We need you to deplex the Fortresses, Nennamaila, Nisuwa, Vlillirier. Then the FDU systems of  Moclinamaud and Frarie need to be deplexed and we need to take Intaki  back. The Reclamation of Placid well be hard but we stand our ground. Hold the line my friends and fight to the last ship, "For the Federation".

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fly Safe #19

Train Thermodynamics to use the overheat function on your modules. Though it damages the mod, overheating allows you to deal more damage with weapons, go faster with with prop mods, and have more range with EWAR modules.