Sometimes the best plans are the one thrown together at the last second...most of the time they are not. The plan that my wing-man and I came up with was to bait a former corp mate into a fight and kill him. What we got in was hard battle, but much more rewarding. After watching the EVE Solo PVP video I decided that I would set up a couple of Myrmidons and try them out in Faction Warfare. I am going in excepting that I am going to be 2v1 or 3v1 most of the time. My wing-man Estella Osoka just happens to be on with me at the same time. Like I side we wanted to kill a different guy and were preparing for that fight when like many thing in EVE a good thing falls in you lap.

Gallente Myrmidon Battle Cruiser
I am running a standard Triple-Rep Myrmidon like the one from the video. It is a solid ship and as long as you keep cap in your cap boosters, your repairing power is 1500 damage every 7 seconds. I am running special plus 3% implants to Armor repair that increase my repair amount, speed, and how much cap I use. Since I'm in Faction Warfare they come by cheap to me.
The Stabber Fleet Issue is a formidable ship, solo and in gang. It has a lose signature radius and some good DPS. I have known SFI pilots to engage crazy things, but most do not engage a Myrmidon cause of it huge repair power and its large drone bay. But there is a second ship that does engage me that surprises me to say the least. That is the Caldari Tech 3 Tengu. This ships is as fast and nibble as they come and with great DPS and tank is not a ship that I would want to engage solo or with out a good fleet supporting me.
Stabber Fleet Issue

Caldari Tengu
The battle starts before I even notice, the Tengu pilot, Shaun R, followed me from a station to gate. I was in Highsec and didn't notice because even in Faction Warfare most of the fighting takes place in Lowsec. I hit the gate and jump he follows and quickly decloaks so that he may target and point me. I see the Tengu and think that he is follow me to low then engage so I'll simply burn back to the gate and make my get way. I decloak and burn to gate but the speed of the Tengu is great and he gets a bump on me pushing me 15k off the gate engages me. Now I can keep trying to get to gate or I can engage him, I figure I'll let my tank work and keep going to gate, but it is no use. So I pop drones and re-engage him. I am using the Valkyrie II medium combat drone, cause I believe that this Tengu is going to try and pull range to get out range of my heavy blaster cannons, and the Valkyrie drone is fast enough to keep up with the Tengu. But he stays in close where I am able to get a warp scram and stasis web on him, so I am about to switch to Hammerhead II medium combat drones, the highest DPS for that class, when the Stabber Fleet Issue, flown by Avako, hits grid. Now I have two worries, while I was tanking the Tengu using two armor repair units, the Stabber has good DPS but a poor tank. I decided that I'll try to get at least one kill and not come out empty handed. I move my point, web, and DPS to the SFI. He is fast but with the web and scram he is unable to pull range and I'm able to burn him down. All the while I am taking massive hits and have to overheat all three repair units and use nearly all my cap boosters. With the SFI out of the way I redirect to the Tengu that still around.
Estella has since come in the fray, because with the SFI gone, the Tengu is of little threat using blasters. She is able to establish a point, and we begin the work of taking down its massive tank. Also to join us is a fellow Gallente Militia pilot, Jockz, in Vagabond, a Heavy Assault Cruiser, that lays out massive damage. With webs and scrams on it the Tengu is unable to move and we finally break its shield tank and eats it armor and DPS.
In the end of the fight I had burnt out one armor repairer and the other two suffered major damage in the terms of 50% and 70%. I had no cap boosters left, and nearly lost my guns trying to break the Tengu's tank. The SFI kill would have been close to paying for my Myrmidon if i would have lost it, but the Tengu kill paid out greatly. This battle taught me a couple things first the Myrmidon is tough tough ship with great survivability. Second is in EVE sometimes when things don't go as plan, they work out so much better.
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