Thursday, May 30, 2013

Putting on a Jumpsuit...Role-playing in New Eden.

New Eden-
I am Phox Jorkarzul. I am a Capsuleer in the New Eden Universe. I attended college at the Universty of Callie before joining the Federal Navy Academy at Dulipant, in the Crux constellation, Essence Region. 
Shortly after I joined a Caldari corporation The Farmers Co-Op, and from there began to make ISK running missions for the Peace and Order Corporation. Over time I helped fund a new corporation in Axiom Alliance, the Axiom Navy. There I was second in command and charge with insuring that members were training the correct skills and planning fleet operations. Several months later I created my own corp and moved to Low Sec where I became a pirate and looted, killed, and scammed other capsuleers in New Eden in the Forge region. I move from Forge to Cruse then to Placid and Syndicate where I sought a new life that I could make a living and use the skills that I gained a pirate to my advantage. It was while in Syndicate that I heard the cry of fellow Gallente Pilots in the Militia and their struggle against the Caldari. So I decided that I would join the effort. I created a new corp to do so, Deep Void Merc Syndicate. We fight for justice, freedom and the Federation. While we do not always agree with the Laws, we fight to uphold the moral truth that all people are born free. 

    OOC, out of character, for bit. In the small college that I attended if they had a Role-Playing class I would have taken it. I love role-playing and role playing games. The first role-playing game that I played as a game call Chorno Cross. This was great game that had different variables that changed different aspects of the game. Then of course this lead to me playing Final Fantasy VII-XIII, I loved them all, and other RPGs for the Playstation family of games. The first Massive Mutiplayer Online RPG, I played World of Warcraft, seven days, then Guild Wars, 3 years. I liked these games cause I was able to interact with other people around the world, together we defeated enemies of the world. But over time the people that I played with started to do their own thing and those connections drifted away. 
     That is when I found table top RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons and Star Wars RPG. These games were great, because they are true sandbox. Almost anything that you want to happen in the game can all you have to do is imagine it. It wasn't long that I have every D&D book I could get my hands on and reading D&D wiki and lore trying to learn more about the world. I was a player character and Dungeon Master. It was after that that found EVE Online, and online sandbox that I have made my home. 
      But what is role-playing? Role-playing is changing ones behavior to assume a social role unconsciously or it consciously change ones actions to act out a role or character. The simplest RP in the world is done every day by children make believing that, they are doctors, Ninjas, pirates or space pilots.  Though many of the players in Eve Online are over 25, and its high definition graphics, we still are playing pretend just with 1 million other people in a digital space sandbox. 
     So by the nature of a MMO you are role playing, if only lightly. For the more intense RPer you have to put on your wizard robe and hat, or in EVE your jumpsuit and helmet. The first thing to look at is what kind of character are you going to be playing, what is their alignment? This is a good article that better explains the 9 traditional Role Player alignments. For my toon Phox, I have chosen a Chaotic Good to Chaotic Neutral alignment. Phox follows his on conscience and seeks his Independence 
     Once you have an idea of what alignment you want to play, you now have to right a back story that fits that, and try to play to that. You back story should make sense to why you act the way you do in the game. If for example Phox was Chaotic Evil then he would not have joined a Militia, and if was Lawful Good then he would not engage in piracy, but as Chaotic Good he joined the Militia to help its causes as well as to pursue justice in his own way. So take some time create a back story that you can follow. You want your back story to have some details, while also being loose to mold your character's actions in the game. This will allow you to draw from that experience.
    We have the our alignment, and our back story, now what? Now it is time to read. Simply going to the Eveopedia and spending 30mins reading the racially articles can go a long ways for a RPer in EVE. If you want to be more in depth then you need spend more time reading. EVE is a different game cause there is not 'true' narrative that you have to follow. Every pilot creates his or his own. While there are live events that take place in the universe a player doesn't have to follow them or attend. I know several players in EVE that role play the Intaki Liberation. This a narrative that has not really been looked at buy the game developers.
    After some time on the wiki then hit the Chronicles of more in depth stories. This allows you to get a inside view of NPC toons and what they are thinking.  Then you need to check out the New Feed. For stories that are happening in the world. These are mini narratives that pop up and take play in New Eden.  You last stop after you have some knowledge under your belt is the IGS, InterGalactic Summit. The IGS is a forum board for the Role Players in EVE. All post must be RP post and trolling and OOC Posting is heavily watched. In this thread have been many declarations of war, question policies, and calling other players on their actions. I would advise to tread lightly here with some people as they can get worked up. 
     Now all that is left for you is create your own narrative in New Eden. Get out there and become the pirate or the hero. It is all up to you. I recommending role playing a game like EVE cause it gives the gamer greater depth than just logging in. If you have a pirpose or reason you do they things that you do in game then you will find that you long into the more and get more out of it. In a later post I'll take a look at the EVE Meta game and how it is different than Role-playing. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Carrier in a Hole...A Story of Carebear...

In the vast universe of New Eden we all have our own style and way of doing things. Before I created Deep Void Industrial Group and Deep Void Merc Syndicate, I was a director of a corp known as Axiom Navy. I learnt a lot in Axiom and in many ways still think of it as my home. The plans and Skill Training plan that I give my Newbie Corp members today is close to the one that Frank Graden and I created there. It was also in this corp that I met a good friend in New Eden, Rudolph Jimler.
Like many new pilots in New Eden he wanted to get out there and fight. He wanted to lead the way and bring glory to Axiom Navy and Axiom Alliance. It was this energy that made him a fun pilot to fly with, and though several times I warned him of the dangers of jumping right in to ships, he continued to push the limits of what he could do. In a lot of ways I like that about him. 
Now several million skill points later Rudolph has gone his own way. He was in TEST, Gallente Militia and then Caldari Militia before finding a home is a C2 Wormhole. Wormholes are good ISK makers for those that want the life and in many ways are safer than other parts of know space cause of the low traffic that goes through them. But none the less there is not true safe space in New Eden, and the proves to be doubly so for those pilots that fly cap ships. As I told Rudy when he first joined Axiom, "The moment you buy the ship and its in your hanger consider it destroyed."
Every story in New Eden though needs a villain. You know they man with a top hat and monocle that seeks out the innocent. While she doesn't wear a top hat and monocle, Svodola Darkfury of Heaven's End is as close to a villain as we will get. 
".....I think I'm going to call it an early night, but I think I'll scout a high-sec for us real quick and check out the chain." Svodola would say over comms to her corpmates as they prepared to close operations for the night. Coming into Class Two wormhole, she finds two pilots are active, the first is in a Helios, the second is in a Badger. Svodola warps to their POS to watches the two wormhole dwellers. 
Rudolph Jimler doesn't know that he is being watched. He has just returned from Highsec with his badger filled with new mods for his new Chimera class carrier. In a Wormhole a carrier is a great assets to have, to do complexes inside, but cause of their size many times once they are built in the WH they are there until they are destroyed. Ever the eager beaver Rudy jumps in his carrier and begins to fit up, for running a complex. 
"Badger pilot switched to a Chimera, and a Domi is bumping it out of the shields?" Svodola would report to back to her corp members. Those online had their ears pricked. Most of them were thinking a corp heist? This Caldari carrier is being jacked. So they began to switch into PvP ships.
Meanwhile Rudy had a corpmate logs in and nearly bumps him from the PoS shields. Rudy tells him to get ready to run a site and so both his alt and his corpmember switches to a Dominix and warps out to the an anomaly, but his is also wondering about his new carrier. He wants to test its DPS, so he figures why not, and aligns the ship and in one fatal move sealed the deal for new ship, he pushed warp. In a few short minutes it was going to explode.
Rule number one of EVE is fly what you can afford. Rule number two is, keep an eye on local and Check d-scan at all times. In known space one can see everyone there, in the local chat channel. This knowledge is reported everyone in intel channels, and has created the Meta game of "AFK Camping" where a pilot logs into space in a cloaked ship and sits in space undetected.  The fear of this unknown person in Null Sec space away from Concord prevents people from running sites or going about their normal thing. In wormhole space local chat does not show everyone it in. Instead it only shows those people who talked. If you don't talk in local then most than likely you will not be seen as you pass through. The only way of knowing that you ship is in trouble is D-Scan. But when the ship hunting you is able to fly cloaked, often you find out until its too late that you are being hunted. 
"....Chimera is aligning...warped, under the sun..THERE'S AN ANOMALY THERE, PROTEUS GOING FOR HERO TACKLE, EVERYONE MOVE YOU CRAP UP HERE!" It was more than what Svodola could have hoped for. She followed the capital ship into warp and landed with it. Uncloaking she grabbed point. 
"PROTEST UNCLOAKED" called Rudolph's corpie. The worst words that he would here. He quickly moved to switch damage on to his attacker. Then clicking D-SCAN, he saw the rest. 9 more ships landed on the field, three Falcon EWAR ships, two Lokis, an Onyx and three Pilgrims. These ships would try to make quick work of the Chimera, but first the two Dominix had to go. 
Once the Onyx took over as heavy tackle on the field Svodola would go back up the chain and grab her Astarte command ship that had both heavey DPS and energy neuting power. Rudy in the mean time would kill one of the Falcons, the other two would warp out and come back in heavier DPS ships. Also bringing in a Logi ships Svodola would prevent any move loses. With the Lokis and Onyx killing his drones, his cap failing, Rudy would try to save ship. In local he said, "I'll pay you, just don't kill the carrier."..."We'd rather have the kill mail" came the reply. Fate decided he clicked self destruct in once last chance to have some control of the outcome. Over heating guns and applying full DPS Svodola and her gang beat the clock, and claimed the life of Rudy's carrier. 
There are many lessons to be learned from this tale. And many people other people reading it on the forums or Eve-kill can't help but to wonder why was a carrier sent to do anomalies in this wormhole. I could say that a fool and his money are easily parted. I could question how crazy it was that will all the drones he had he had never thought of having a ECM-Drones. Or that he only took out 70 drones in a ship that could hold 500. And while those are all good questions they only seem to bring out more questions. I doubt that Rudolph himself knows the answers to why he did the things that he did, be as stated at the top, everyone in New Eden flies a bit differently and has their own way of doing things. 
The reader would be happy to know that while the bad guy in this story, Svodola Darkfury is not without a heart. Short after killing Rudy's carrier and podding him back to high-sec. She sent him a conversation to give him some tips.
Killmail linked here.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

"New Eden Superstar" May~ Matias Otero

Pilot Note
In New Eden there are many many different pilots and many different ways to play. It is the greatest sandbox, where your dreams come true as well have you watch as they are crushed into thousand pieces. New Eden superstar is a look at a different capsuleer that Phox has encountered in New Eden and their take on EVE Online. I do not fully support them, but I feel that their views of the game are important to get a greater grasp of the New Eden Universe. New Eden Superstar are those chosen players that play EVE their way 
New Eden Superstar
Matias Otero

Many pilots want their corporations to be successful. When they see the large mega-corporations of Dreddit and Goonwaffe they say some day that will be me. But few who start their own corps every make it that far. They never reach those goals of 2000 or ever 200 members under their banner and flying with them, and few have long terms plans of what their corp would look like if they every did. 
Enter Matias Otero and Brave Newbie Inc. Six months ago no-one in New Eden had never heard of them, now there are a house hold name in the game, like Goonswarm, TEST, and Solar Fleet. A returning EVE player Matias wanted to try something new. He remember how hard the game was for him when he first started playing. He wanted to make a new corp for New Players, to have fun and "play EVE the way it was meant to be played".  Six months later he is now the CEO of over 2000 members and in the world of many people winning EVE.  New Eden Superstar for May Matias Otero and Brave Newbie Inc. 

1) When did you start playing EVE and how long have you played?
The first time must have been some time around 2004. I had been reading about EVE in gaming media and the idea of a player-driven economical and political system seemed appealing, so I joined. After three weeks I had worked myself up to what I thought was a nice ship, but had not had any interaction whatsoever with the sandbox elements I was looking for, other than getting mercilessly zapped in lowsec a couple of times. I didn't matter. So I quit. Tried again around 2009 and things went a little smoother, but the fact that I couldn't derive any fun by playing the game “by the book” until I had skills and resources that could take months to amass drove me away.

So joined this third time around June 2013, inspired by the Ragnarok that was Asakai. I was now armed with the knowledge that doing things the smart and orderly way was not the way to go. The metagame be damned, I'm was to figure this universe out my way.

2) How long into playing did you decide that you wanted to run a corporation n New Eden?

This wasn't supposed to happen. All I wanted to do was reach out and share a little story about an exciting moment I had in EVE. There many encouraging responses and plenty of PM's wanting to join my group, so I figured I'd make a corporation with 0,1% tax rate to house the ten-or-so people that wanted to join. It was nothing more than a chat room and a flag. Then I figured, if writing a story I generated this much interest, why not try to see if there are other gamers out there waiting for the right chance to jump into EVE? I had no Idea what I was getting myself into.

3) When did you noticed that Brave Newbies Inc. started taking off? , and what was your reaction?

I didn't notice much at first. Oblivion is bliss right? Having no frame of reference for how big EVE corporations usually are, I initially regarded the initial 300 as a normal number, when we hit 1600, I thought I was doing good. I mean, there's a lot of people on the internet right? Then I found a site that listed the largest corporations in EVE online and I realized that we were the fifth or sixth largest corporation in the game, and in all likelihood the fastest growing new corporation in EVE ever. Only then did I realize the enormity of what I had done. It tends to put a little pressure on you.

4) How does it feel to be running one of the largest independent corps in New Eden, and what many Alliances want to know how long will you all keep that independence are any alliances looking at you?
It's insane. I'm the kind of guy that wants to personally explain things to new players and make sure that a lack of knowledge is not impeding their fun and progress. I work as a teacher after all. But 2200 people? I can't possible help them all, and for the good of the corporation I have to leave that to other players and focus on managing roles, diplomacy and overarching strategy. I sometimes miss going out with my little frigate and finding treasure or death with friends. I had hoped to lead a quiet 10-man corp into crazy forays into lowsec. Instead, I'm organizing supply chains with hundreds of ships, managing a steady stream of political requests and fighting a war involving hundreds of engagements.

We've had diplomatic contact with almost every minor and major nullsec power at this point, but we're not about to enter into somebody else's alliance anytime soon. We're doing very well at what we do, and there is little interest in being absorbed into a larger more experienced organization, that would cost us our identity. Remaining politically unaligned allows us to learn and share with all different sorts of groups. I believe that eventually, our size and growth will necessitate involvement in the big leagues, but we're not going to get involved until we are at the point where we know we can ruffle some feathers.

5) What are the future plans of you and Brave Newbie Inc.  Do you plan on leading it forever?
These last few days I've been thinking about a way to create a leadership structure for what has suddenly become a 2300-member organization. Ultimately, a good leader is defined not only by his actions, but by whether what he creates remains or not when he can't be around. I feel that I have to spend way too much time docked in station managing things, and I fear that this really great thing that I created by accident could cease to exist if my spare time dried up. My current project is the creation of a counci that will run the corporation in my stead. I will remain CEO and retain veto rights over council decisions, but I will delegate the running of BNI to a group of capable and motivated individuals so I can, you know, fly my ship every once in a while.

My plan remains what I told myself the day I started this corp: As long as there is eve one person with me that's having fun I will do my best to make this is a place where people want to be. And if that last guy were to leave? Well, I guess then I will roam the stars once more like I did in the beginning, and who knows where that might lead?

6) Last question what do you have to say to all those CEOs that look at you corp and its success in numbers?
1. Inspire people. Create a narrative, a purpose.
2. Create a place where people want to be. Fun and common purpose are more powerful than power itself.
3. Find a way to reach out to others. Your choice of medium determines the size of your potential audience.

As a CEO I know many of the hardships that Matias is going through.  It even in my small corp of 32 I feel like most the time I am paper pushing. Brave Newbie Inc. had become a sensation, From nothing to something very fast.  With an attitude of "Fly Crazy" over the standard "Fly Safe" of normal High-Sec Newbie Players, they have gained a lot people. Most Newbies that I meet are very down to earth but also very excited to be playing EVE. Unlike other Training corps, such a EVE University were it is more formal training, BNI trains by doing.
Talking about media to "Get the word out" BNI is prolific youtubers with over 30 videos dedicated to them. So I recommend heading that way and checking them out and to all the Brave Newbie guys looking for a change of past, DV-MS is looking for some new members as well ;).  7o 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Ballad of YC115. The Gallente Marching Song.....

The Ballad of YC115

In YC115 we took a little trip
Along with Captain Soter down the mighty Placid Chain. 

We took a little bacon an' we took a little beans 

And we caught the bloody Caldari at the Systems of Loes and Hykanmia. 

We fired our Blaster an' the Squids kept a'comin'.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was awhile ago.
We fired once more an' they begin to runnin'
Up through highsec to Jita as fast as they could go. 

We looked down the chain an' we seed more Squids comin', 

There must a'been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drum. 
They stepped so high an' they made their bugles ring, 
We stood beside our asteriods an'didn't say a thing. 

We fired our Blaster an' the Squids kept a'comin'.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was awhile ago.
We fired once more an' they begin to runnin'
Up through highsec to Jita as fast as they could go.

Ole Soter said we could take 'em by surprise,
If we didn't fire our blasters 'til we looked 'em in the eyes.
We held our fire 'til we seed their faces well,
Then we opened up with our Comets guns an' really gave 'em ...hell!   

We fired our Blaster an' the Squids kept a'comin'.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was awhile ago.
We fired once more an' they begin to runnin'
Up through highsec to Jita as fast as they could go.

Yeah, they flew Placid and they flew through Black Rise An' they flew through to Jita where our ships couldn't go. 

They ran so fast that the Derptons couldn't catch 'em
Up through the Forge to Jita as they could go.

We fired our Neurtron Cannons 'til the barrels melted down,
So we grabbed another Derptron an' we fought another round.
We filled it with Eletrons, filled with antimat, and single scram to hold point
An' when fifty of them hit grid, the squids lost their minds.

We fired our Blaster an' the Squids kept a'comin'.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was awhile ago.
We fired once more an' they begin to runnin'
Up through highsec to Jita as fast as they could go.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stat of the Corp: DV-MS May

We are a RP Corp LOLZ
Alliance Forums and TS3
Corp Fleet are coming
Corp Ship Service
Killboard still Good
Recruiment is up
Get your Navy Vexors and Navy Execs Now
Goals for Future. 

To the StockHolders of DV-MS: 

First I know that this is a little late in the month for a State of the Corp, but with the new faces in the corp I feel that we need one.  Let me welcome all the new pilots and clone troopers I hope that your time DV-MS is good and that we are able to make your time in New Eden more enjoyable. 
Crazy Good
Now if you looked at the TL;DR you see that we are now a RP corp. I want to point out that this is only light RP to the point that we troll Squids in local chat, kill them, and that fight a war against those people in EVE that wish not to be educated in the ways of Freedom. So we act normally. This came about because I was asked if I was a RolePlayer after I made several post n the Intergalatic Summit threads on the forums. I said that I light RP, and they looked at my post and corp killboards asked if we could be put down as  an RP corp, I said 'yea, sure.  So we were, and here we are. If you wonder what alignment you have to follow we are Chaotic Good. I have no idea what that means, so basically just go out and kill everything and say that it was for the "good of the Federation".

Alliance Forums 
Please join the Alliance Forums and TS3.  In the large large world we need a lot different ways of talking to each other and getting the news about fleets and such. So join the alliance forums and our Teamspeak. The Teamspeak info in the Corp Bulltens. I'll link the Alliance forums below. I would like to see all of us on there.  If you have tried to get on but can't send me an email and I'll get in touch with the guys running the forums and get you in.

I am going to be leading more corp fleets, Derp Atrons, A-Cats, and T1 Cruisers gangs and I will be trying to get Elesk to lead some more too. If we get a good turn out for DV-MS Daredevils then it will also be a fleet that we will do more of.  I'm hoping that Corp fleets will keep us more active than we have been in the past. And that it will bring us together more as a corp. If you are wondering about fits for the cruiser gang they are in the Corp Fitting Menu.  

Ships for Sale
A couple of you have talked about making fitted ships and selling them on contract in Nenn and Vlil. I want to encourage this and after talking with Tylo I would like to get the ball rolling of this a bit more. So I have created a wallet for the corp that will be used to fund the corp bringing ships and fittings in.  Once I get a better idea who wants to be part of this I will look at a payout plan and percentage of corp take. The idea is that this could be a way for the corp to fund our own SRP in the future. 

Keep killing the Squids guys. This month we have killed three carriers and four dreadnoughts. I have also welped a of Daredevils :). But for reals keep up the killing and we could be looking a record month in ISK kills and ships killed. A 175 more ship kills will give a new high in ships killed in a single month, and 40bil more isk well give us a new high in ISK killed with 15days left in May lets push to make this happen. 

Recruitment is up

The corp is growing again, and I am excited to see the new guys out there in fleets and wanting to take part in the alliance and corp fleets. I hope that you new guys keep at it and keep the Killboards up. While we have grown I want to continue growning. I took a month off recruiting in April, I don't think that I'm going to do that this time around. I also want to get more people involved with recruiting. So as payment for recruiting for every guy that you recruit and get into the public channel and signs up to the corp you get a Comet, once he stays in the corp for a month and is active. If you have been watching the prices of Comets are going up in Dodixe to 17mill each and in Jita 31mill. If you get three guys to join you make 45mil-90mil. not bad right, plus the updated Comet is going to be a nasy ship with more hitpoints and great speed boost. 

Navy Cruisers Needed
I have been loooking at the new fittings and slot layouts of the Navy Vexor and Exec, and I want everyone to spend this time in FW before Odyessy to get two of each in your hanger. Its going to be around 400k lp and 120 mill total but I believe these ships are going be the new backbone of FacWar Cruiser fleets. The V.N.I. is going to be able to field 5 sentry drones with 5 more in the bay puting out 600 dps and carrying a 60k tank, plus have the meds for EWAR, Tackle, or ECCM. The E.N.I. going to be rocking a 40k tank and DPS of a Brutix, nearly 600-700. Even in our small corp we could field a small gang of these that would be very very hard to take down with one or two Ti logi. While the new Brutix looks sexy, and I am going to look at a shield gank fit it, 1500-1700 DPS I am told, outside bunker busting I don't think they are going to be that propular in FacWar.  While we will not ship up to Faction Ships all the time, I think that Faction Cruisers will be very hard hitting. 

Future Goals
Thank you all for working with DV-MS to make this a stronger community and helping it grow. We have a wide range players for around the world. We have High SP pilots and low SP pilots which is IMO is very good. The real goal of the State of the Corp is not just and update on the corp but also telling you all the goals for the future. 

1) 500 Kills in the month of May, july and June.  I know that the summer is kind of a crazy time, but I feel that we should be able to do this.Tthe targets are there we just have to get the fights. The Alliance is getting around 3000 kills a month I think that we can whore on or be leader in fleets fight and small gang roams. So get out there and get them Kills. 

2) Expanding the DUST base. I would love to get two full squads of Dust Bunnies 64 Bunnies in the corp, that can play and work together. I think that is is doable but i need eyes on the ground recruiting there.  Any one that wants to take the lead on this is happy to ask me and I'll give you my support. I want DV-MS to own a distirct an FacWar Space before the end of the summer, and have a good group of guys on the ground that can defend it.  Well this be hard yes, but again its a goal that I am looking for us to do. 

60 active EVE Pilots by July. I want DV-MS to grow to 60 guys by July so that we have large base of pilots that we can trust for fleet opps. While I am okay to FC Fleets in the US TZ, I also want some help in trying to get an EU FC that can help lead fleets then.  I will be doing more Fleet roams and encouraging more members to take the helm at FCing. Elesk is also a good teacher, so the more fleets that you can get in with him the better and see how they work. If you are in Fleets with Elesk and I, ask us questions we would be happy to explain why we are doing what we are doing. 

4) Corp Squads are coming. I have read a lot about the defeat to the Caldari and while it is true we have been kicking them up and down the block, they will still come out and fight us if we are in small enough fleets. The alliance's fleets of 25+ guys are a good show of power, but better show is when you kill them and they outnumber you in the same ship class and you out fly them. So am I'm looking for some people to step up and take the lead as Squad Leaders.
     Once I get some people that want to take the lead. I'll help them set it up and put everyone in squads so that squads are in the simular timezones and skills points. Once a month the Squad Leader will tell me what its squad wants to do, I'll make sure that it has some ships so the squad can go out and play. If a squad want to try out new doctrines and have new ideas for fleets send me the list and cost and i'll see what I can do to make sure that it can do it. 
       Right now I am going to limit squad fleets to Frig and Dessy Fleets so that cost is under 100mi. I am also only going to allow 4 squads to start and as a general rule I am going to say that Elesk and I will not be part of a Squad. He and I will go on your ops if we can make it,but we will remain outside the squads.  The other idea here is that Squads devlope their own leaderships and FCs. If Elesk and I are in a squad then i'm worried that we will be the only ones leading fleets and squads will be no different than corp fleets. Squads will also have a limit of 10 members to start out. 
      I want this to be a fun thing that we do get more people in fleets and playing together.  But this also to get fights, if we roll in a 15 man gang we are not going to get the "Good fight" we are looking for. So by limiting our gang we will be able to some better fights and hopefully not drive the squids underground where they never undock.  If you are interested in a Squad leader role let me know and will talk about.  I don't want these gangs to conflict with normal corp and alliance fleets, and I don't think that they will, what I want them to be is a way for more of to play together and not feel like we have to wait for Elesk, the alliance or myself to get a fleet going. 

5) Corp Fee...I really don't want to talk about this, but the corp does need to make some isk so that it can help younger players get into ships and get  more ships for the corp to hand out. While the Corp Ship Service is going to be part of that plan, I don't think that it is going to be enough for future goals. So I might be looking at doing a corp fee where pilots donate some isk or ships to the corp for the corps use. It takes 10mins to make the LP for a Comet, so that is the easiest one to do.  And while that to me that seem really steep to be in FacWar corp, I want to provide a lot things for you all. Right now the corp is not making isk to do that. 
  Another thing that I am going to ask is when in corp fleets all salvage goes back to the corp. The salvage from one destroyer is like 3 A-Cats.  or 6 Derp-Trons. That will be another why that I will try to help you all with ships and making sure that we are able to do fun things as a corp. 
DON'T sweat the Corp Fee right now, it is just something that I am playing around with. 

Here is to another month good works, and an active summer of hunting. I hope that we are able to work more together and build this corp into a stronger force. Remember we a Chaotic good what ever that really means so get out there and everything that isn't blue, green or purple blow up.  :)

Fly Free

Phox Jorkarzul
CEO of Deep Void Merc Syndicate