We are a RP Corp LOLZ
Alliance Forums and TS3
Corp Fleet are coming
Corp Ship Service
Killboard still Good
Recruiment is up
Get your Navy Vexors and Navy Execs Now
Goals for Future.
To the StockHolders of DV-MS:
First I know that this is a little late in the month for a State of the Corp, but with the new faces in the corp I feel that we need one. Let me welcome all the new pilots and clone troopers I hope that your time DV-MS is good and that we are able to make your time in New Eden more enjoyable.
We are a RP Corp LOLZ
Alliance Forums and TS3
Corp Fleet are coming
Corp Ship Service
Killboard still Good
Recruiment is up
Get your Navy Vexors and Navy Execs Now
Goals for Future.
To the StockHolders of DV-MS:
First I know that this is a little late in the month for a State of the Corp, but with the new faces in the corp I feel that we need one. Let me welcome all the new pilots and clone troopers I hope that your time DV-MS is good and that we are able to make your time in New Eden more enjoyable.
Crazy Good
Now if you looked at the TL;DR you see that we are now a RP corp. I want to point out that this is only light RP to the point that we troll Squids in local chat, kill them, and that fight a war against those people in EVE that wish not to be educated in the ways of Freedom. So we act normally. This came about because I was asked if I was a RolePlayer after I made several post n the Intergalatic Summit threads on the forums. I said that I light RP, and they looked at my post and corp killboards asked if we could be put down as an RP corp, I said 'yea, sure. So we were, and here we are. If you wonder what alignment you have to follow we are Chaotic Good. I have no idea what that means, so basically just go out and kill everything and say that it was for the "good of the Federation".
Alliance Forums
Please join the Alliance Forums and TS3. In the large large world we need a lot different ways of talking to each other and getting the news about fleets and such. So join the alliance forums and our Teamspeak. The Teamspeak info in the Corp Bulltens. I'll link the Alliance forums below. I would like to see all of us on there. If you have tried to get on but can't send me an email and I'll get in touch with the guys running the forums and get you in.
I am going to be leading more corp fleets, Derp Atrons, A-Cats, and T1 Cruisers gangs and I will be trying to get Elesk to lead some more too. If we get a good turn out for DV-MS Daredevils then it will also be a fleet that we will do more of. I'm hoping that Corp fleets will keep us more active than we have been in the past. And that it will bring us together more as a corp. If you are wondering about fits for the cruiser gang they are in the Corp Fitting Menu.
Ships for Sale
A couple of you have talked about making fitted ships and selling them on contract in Nenn and Vlil. I want to encourage this and after talking with Tylo I would like to get the ball rolling of this a bit more. So I have created a wallet for the corp that will be used to fund the corp bringing ships and fittings in. Once I get a better idea who wants to be part of this I will look at a payout plan and percentage of corp take. The idea is that this could be a way for the corp to fund our own SRP in the future.
Keep killing the Squids guys. This month we have killed three carriers and four dreadnoughts. I have also welped a of Daredevils :). But for reals keep up the killing and we could be looking a record month in ISK kills and ships killed. A 175 more ship kills will give a new high in ships killed in a single month, and 40bil more isk well give us a new high in ISK killed with 15days left in May lets push to make this happen.
Recruitment is up
Now if you looked at the TL;DR you see that we are now a RP corp. I want to point out that this is only light RP to the point that we troll Squids in local chat, kill them, and that fight a war against those people in EVE that wish not to be educated in the ways of Freedom. So we act normally. This came about because I was asked if I was a RolePlayer after I made several post n the Intergalatic Summit threads on the forums. I said that I light RP, and they looked at my post and corp killboards asked if we could be put down as an RP corp, I said 'yea, sure. So we were, and here we are. If you wonder what alignment you have to follow we are Chaotic Good. I have no idea what that means, so basically just go out and kill everything and say that it was for the "good of the Federation".
Alliance Forums
Please join the Alliance Forums and TS3. In the large large world we need a lot different ways of talking to each other and getting the news about fleets and such. So join the alliance forums and our Teamspeak. The Teamspeak info in the Corp Bulltens. I'll link the Alliance forums below. I would like to see all of us on there. If you have tried to get on but can't send me an email and I'll get in touch with the guys running the forums and get you in.
I am going to be leading more corp fleets, Derp Atrons, A-Cats, and T1 Cruisers gangs and I will be trying to get Elesk to lead some more too. If we get a good turn out for DV-MS Daredevils then it will also be a fleet that we will do more of. I'm hoping that Corp fleets will keep us more active than we have been in the past. And that it will bring us together more as a corp. If you are wondering about fits for the cruiser gang they are in the Corp Fitting Menu.
Ships for Sale
A couple of you have talked about making fitted ships and selling them on contract in Nenn and Vlil. I want to encourage this and after talking with Tylo I would like to get the ball rolling of this a bit more. So I have created a wallet for the corp that will be used to fund the corp bringing ships and fittings in. Once I get a better idea who wants to be part of this I will look at a payout plan and percentage of corp take. The idea is that this could be a way for the corp to fund our own SRP in the future.
Keep killing the Squids guys. This month we have killed three carriers and four dreadnoughts. I have also welped a of Daredevils :). But for reals keep up the killing and we could be looking a record month in ISK kills and ships killed. A 175 more ship kills will give a new high in ships killed in a single month, and 40bil more isk well give us a new high in ISK killed with 15days left in May lets push to make this happen.
Recruitment is up
The corp is growing again, and I am excited to see the new guys out there in fleets and wanting to take part in the alliance and corp fleets. I hope that you new guys keep at it and keep the Killboards up. While we have grown I want to continue growning. I took a month off recruiting in April, I don't think that I'm going to do that this time around. I also want to get more people involved with recruiting. So as payment for recruiting for every guy that you recruit and get into the public channel and signs up to the corp you get a Comet, once he stays in the corp for a month and is active. If you have been watching the prices of Comets are going up in Dodixe to 17mill each and in Jita 31mill. If you get three guys to join you make 45mil-90mil. not bad right, plus the updated Comet is going to be a nasy ship with more hitpoints and great speed boost.
Navy Cruisers Needed
I have been loooking at the new fittings and slot layouts of the Navy Vexor and Exec, and I want everyone to spend this time in FW before Odyessy to get two of each in your hanger. Its going to be around 400k lp and 120 mill total but I believe these ships are going be the new backbone of FacWar Cruiser fleets. The V.N.I. is going to be able to field 5 sentry drones with 5 more in the bay puting out 600 dps and carrying a 60k tank, plus have the meds for EWAR, Tackle, or ECCM. The E.N.I. going to be rocking a 40k tank and DPS of a Brutix, nearly 600-700. Even in our small corp we could field a small gang of these that would be very very hard to take down with one or two Ti logi. While the new Brutix looks sexy, and I am going to look at a shield gank fit it, 1500-1700 DPS I am told, outside bunker busting I don't think they are going to be that propular in FacWar. While we will not ship up to Faction Ships all the time, I think that Faction Cruisers will be very hard hitting.
Future Goals
Thank you all for working with DV-MS to make this a stronger community and helping it grow. We have a wide range players for around the world. We have High SP pilots and low SP pilots which is IMO is very good. The real goal of the State of the Corp is not just and update on the corp but also telling you all the goals for the future.
1) 500 Kills in the month of May, july and June. I know that the summer is kind of a crazy time, but I feel that we should be able to do this.Tthe targets are there we just have to get the fights. The Alliance is getting around 3000 kills a month I think that we can whore on or be leader in fleets fight and small gang roams. So get out there and get them Kills.
2) Expanding the DUST base. I would love to get two full squads of Dust Bunnies 64 Bunnies in the corp, that can play and work together. I think that is is doable but i need eyes on the ground recruiting there. Any one that wants to take the lead on this is happy to ask me and I'll give you my support. I want DV-MS to own a distirct an FacWar Space before the end of the summer, and have a good group of guys on the ground that can defend it. Well this be hard yes, but again its a goal that I am looking for us to do.
3) 60 active EVE Pilots by July. I want DV-MS to grow to 60 guys by July so that we have large base of pilots that we can trust for fleet opps. While I am okay to FC Fleets in the US TZ, I also want some help in trying to get an EU FC that can help lead fleets then. I will be doing more Fleet roams and encouraging more members to take the helm at FCing. Elesk is also a good teacher, so the more fleets that you can get in with him the better and see how they work. If you are in Fleets with Elesk and I, ask us questions we would be happy to explain why we are doing what we are doing.
4) Corp Squads are coming. I have read a lot about the defeat to the Caldari and while it is true we have been kicking them up and down the block, they will still come out and fight us if we are in small enough fleets. The alliance's fleets of 25+ guys are a good show of power, but better show is when you kill them and they outnumber you in the same ship class and you out fly them. So am I'm looking for some people to step up and take the lead as Squad Leaders.
Once I get some people that want to take the lead. I'll help them set it up and put everyone in squads so that squads are in the simular timezones and skills points. Once a month the Squad Leader will tell me what its squad wants to do, I'll make sure that it has some ships so the squad can go out and play. If a squad want to try out new doctrines and have new ideas for fleets send me the list and cost and i'll see what I can do to make sure that it can do it.
Right now I am going to limit squad fleets to Frig and Dessy Fleets so that cost is under 100mi. I am also only going to allow 4 squads to start and as a general rule I am going to say that Elesk and I will not be part of a Squad. He and I will go on your ops if we can make it,but we will remain outside the squads. The other idea here is that Squads devlope their own leaderships and FCs. If Elesk and I are in a squad then i'm worried that we will be the only ones leading fleets and squads will be no different than corp fleets. Squads will also have a limit of 10 members to start out.
I want this to be a fun thing that we do get more people in fleets and playing together. But this also to get fights, if we roll in a 15 man gang we are not going to get the "Good fight" we are looking for. So by limiting our gang we will be able to some better fights and hopefully not drive the squids underground where they never undock. If you are interested in a Squad leader role let me know and will talk about. I don't want these gangs to conflict with normal corp and alliance fleets, and I don't think that they will, what I want them to be is a way for more of to play together and not feel like we have to wait for Elesk, the alliance or myself to get a fleet going.
5) Corp Fee...I really don't want to talk about this, but the corp does need to make some isk so that it can help younger players get into ships and get more ships for the corp to hand out. While the Corp Ship Service is going to be part of that plan, I don't think that it is going to be enough for future goals. So I might be looking at doing a corp fee where pilots donate some isk or ships to the corp for the corps use. It takes 10mins to make the LP for a Comet, so that is the easiest one to do. And while that to me that seem really steep to be in FacWar corp, I want to provide a lot things for you all. Right now the corp is not making isk to do that.
Another thing that I am going to ask is when in corp fleets all salvage goes back to the corp. The salvage from one destroyer is like 3 A-Cats. or 6 Derp-Trons. That will be another why that I will try to help you all with ships and making sure that we are able to do fun things as a corp.
DON'T sweat the Corp Fee right now, it is just something that I am playing around with.
Here is to another month good works, and an active summer of hunting. I hope that we are able to work more together and build this corp into a stronger force. Remember we a Chaotic good what ever that really means so get out there and everything that isn't blue, green or purple blow up. :)
Fly Free
Phox Jorkarzul
CEO of Deep Void Merc Syndicate
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