Saturday, May 18, 2013

"New Eden Superstar" May~ Matias Otero

Pilot Note
In New Eden there are many many different pilots and many different ways to play. It is the greatest sandbox, where your dreams come true as well have you watch as they are crushed into thousand pieces. New Eden superstar is a look at a different capsuleer that Phox has encountered in New Eden and their take on EVE Online. I do not fully support them, but I feel that their views of the game are important to get a greater grasp of the New Eden Universe. New Eden Superstar are those chosen players that play EVE their way 
New Eden Superstar
Matias Otero

Many pilots want their corporations to be successful. When they see the large mega-corporations of Dreddit and Goonwaffe they say some day that will be me. But few who start their own corps every make it that far. They never reach those goals of 2000 or ever 200 members under their banner and flying with them, and few have long terms plans of what their corp would look like if they every did. 
Enter Matias Otero and Brave Newbie Inc. Six months ago no-one in New Eden had never heard of them, now there are a house hold name in the game, like Goonswarm, TEST, and Solar Fleet. A returning EVE player Matias wanted to try something new. He remember how hard the game was for him when he first started playing. He wanted to make a new corp for New Players, to have fun and "play EVE the way it was meant to be played".  Six months later he is now the CEO of over 2000 members and in the world of many people winning EVE.  New Eden Superstar for May Matias Otero and Brave Newbie Inc. 

1) When did you start playing EVE and how long have you played?
The first time must have been some time around 2004. I had been reading about EVE in gaming media and the idea of a player-driven economical and political system seemed appealing, so I joined. After three weeks I had worked myself up to what I thought was a nice ship, but had not had any interaction whatsoever with the sandbox elements I was looking for, other than getting mercilessly zapped in lowsec a couple of times. I didn't matter. So I quit. Tried again around 2009 and things went a little smoother, but the fact that I couldn't derive any fun by playing the game “by the book” until I had skills and resources that could take months to amass drove me away.

So joined this third time around June 2013, inspired by the Ragnarok that was Asakai. I was now armed with the knowledge that doing things the smart and orderly way was not the way to go. The metagame be damned, I'm was to figure this universe out my way.

2) How long into playing did you decide that you wanted to run a corporation n New Eden?

This wasn't supposed to happen. All I wanted to do was reach out and share a little story about an exciting moment I had in EVE. There many encouraging responses and plenty of PM's wanting to join my group, so I figured I'd make a corporation with 0,1% tax rate to house the ten-or-so people that wanted to join. It was nothing more than a chat room and a flag. Then I figured, if writing a story I generated this much interest, why not try to see if there are other gamers out there waiting for the right chance to jump into EVE? I had no Idea what I was getting myself into.

3) When did you noticed that Brave Newbies Inc. started taking off? , and what was your reaction?

I didn't notice much at first. Oblivion is bliss right? Having no frame of reference for how big EVE corporations usually are, I initially regarded the initial 300 as a normal number, when we hit 1600, I thought I was doing good. I mean, there's a lot of people on the internet right? Then I found a site that listed the largest corporations in EVE online and I realized that we were the fifth or sixth largest corporation in the game, and in all likelihood the fastest growing new corporation in EVE ever. Only then did I realize the enormity of what I had done. It tends to put a little pressure on you.

4) How does it feel to be running one of the largest independent corps in New Eden, and what many Alliances want to know how long will you all keep that independence are any alliances looking at you?
It's insane. I'm the kind of guy that wants to personally explain things to new players and make sure that a lack of knowledge is not impeding their fun and progress. I work as a teacher after all. But 2200 people? I can't possible help them all, and for the good of the corporation I have to leave that to other players and focus on managing roles, diplomacy and overarching strategy. I sometimes miss going out with my little frigate and finding treasure or death with friends. I had hoped to lead a quiet 10-man corp into crazy forays into lowsec. Instead, I'm organizing supply chains with hundreds of ships, managing a steady stream of political requests and fighting a war involving hundreds of engagements.

We've had diplomatic contact with almost every minor and major nullsec power at this point, but we're not about to enter into somebody else's alliance anytime soon. We're doing very well at what we do, and there is little interest in being absorbed into a larger more experienced organization, that would cost us our identity. Remaining politically unaligned allows us to learn and share with all different sorts of groups. I believe that eventually, our size and growth will necessitate involvement in the big leagues, but we're not going to get involved until we are at the point where we know we can ruffle some feathers.

5) What are the future plans of you and Brave Newbie Inc.  Do you plan on leading it forever?
These last few days I've been thinking about a way to create a leadership structure for what has suddenly become a 2300-member organization. Ultimately, a good leader is defined not only by his actions, but by whether what he creates remains or not when he can't be around. I feel that I have to spend way too much time docked in station managing things, and I fear that this really great thing that I created by accident could cease to exist if my spare time dried up. My current project is the creation of a counci that will run the corporation in my stead. I will remain CEO and retain veto rights over council decisions, but I will delegate the running of BNI to a group of capable and motivated individuals so I can, you know, fly my ship every once in a while.

My plan remains what I told myself the day I started this corp: As long as there is eve one person with me that's having fun I will do my best to make this is a place where people want to be. And if that last guy were to leave? Well, I guess then I will roam the stars once more like I did in the beginning, and who knows where that might lead?

6) Last question what do you have to say to all those CEOs that look at you corp and its success in numbers?
1. Inspire people. Create a narrative, a purpose.
2. Create a place where people want to be. Fun and common purpose are more powerful than power itself.
3. Find a way to reach out to others. Your choice of medium determines the size of your potential audience.

As a CEO I know many of the hardships that Matias is going through.  It even in my small corp of 32 I feel like most the time I am paper pushing. Brave Newbie Inc. had become a sensation, From nothing to something very fast.  With an attitude of "Fly Crazy" over the standard "Fly Safe" of normal High-Sec Newbie Players, they have gained a lot people. Most Newbies that I meet are very down to earth but also very excited to be playing EVE. Unlike other Training corps, such a EVE University were it is more formal training, BNI trains by doing.
Talking about media to "Get the word out" BNI is prolific youtubers with over 30 videos dedicated to them. So I recommend heading that way and checking them out and to all the Brave Newbie guys looking for a change of past, DV-MS is looking for some new members as well ;).  7o 

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