When I moved from being a carebear in High-Sec to a Low-Sec pirate I changes my ships names to Bleach Zanpakutos Shikai and Bankai forms. This was to show my more aggressive nature in game. What this lead to though was my fitting browser becoming clutter and often me saving two or three fitting with the same name cause I was not organized in what I was doing. So what started as a rare from of OCD in my life, has turned into a full out war on my ships and how they are labeled in my fitting browser.

This is an example how many of my fittings were named in EVE, just the ship class. If you look at the top right hand corner you see the fitting's name "Brutix". What this lead to when I was asked to find fittings for corp mates or alliance members was me searching through 15 "Brutix" fits where five of them were the same fit.

At first I tired to counter this by simple naming the fit the same as the ship. As you can see here "Herpy Derpy" is the same fit as Burtix above. And this worked to a point, but I liked calling different ships of the same class, the same name so what happen is instead of five fittings called "Brutix" sharing the same the fit, I had five fittings called "Herpy Derpy" with different fits.

It finally lead to this the name above "AR-HEB-II". Using a form of crazy Jorkarese shorthand, I began to label and name the fits in my fitting browser by what they have fitted over their Ship Class and what I named them when they get into space. I did this because I wanted to be able to quickly find ship fitting for roams in Faction Warfare and be able switch out of fitting fast as well. Once in the ship is in the hanger assemble I give it its fitting name, after undock I may change its name, but once I'm docked back up I switch the name back to the fitting name. That way if I have three Brutixs in my ship hanger I know without having to jump into them what they are fitted with at a glance.
I tired this before with just my Strategic Cruisers but it was confusing to me and not well planned and thought out. If you look at the bottom left you can see that I have Proteus fittings 7 of them labels to what they are used for. But even here I have two fits that are copies of each other "Cov Opp Prot" and the "Cov Op Remote Rep". The names while telling me what they are used for are not telling me what they have fitted. Also this system of naming ships while it did kinda work for my T3s was not great in terms of how I should name other ship fittings.

If you look at the bottom again you now see the all the Tech 3 Cruisers even the Legion and Loki share the same style of fitting names as the Proteus using my crazy shorthand. If you look you can see that the Loki and one of the Legions share the same name. This is because while they are two different ships they bother are fitted using the same key modals.
The very basics of my short is that I don't try to label all the modals on it. I only label those modals that I feel make that fitting what it is. I also only list at a max four modals and unit number that reflects how many of a mod listed is on the ship. So this can mean that two ships can share the same basic fitting just a different number of listed mod.
This is still a work in progress as I have about 63 different ship fittings. Currently only 25 of the fitting names have been brought into line with the shorthand. Leaving 38 to go. The next step is in fact organized the Corporate's Fitting to follow the same fitting short. While it is a goal to get all ship fittings inline, this is something that I do while waiting on fleets, defensive plexing and just sitting in station. I hope that you find this post helpful in terms of setting up your own shorthand for naming the fittings in your fitting browser
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