Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gallente Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny is the belief that a group has the right to expand. Through history humans have used this caused to expand their ideas across planets and into space. On the Earth of old the first modern democracy The United States used it spread it's ideas across the North American continent. In modern times our grand-fathers and fathers have used it to spread the ideas of the Federation, and the Truth and Justice that it stands
for. So we too will follow in their steps declare our own Manifest Destiny throughout the region of Black Rise.

We have fought hard my friends. We have hunted the Caldari through the region. But we must not relax. While we enjoyed the benefits of Tier control we lose sight out the goal the eradication of the State in Back Rise. We let into out mist the most dangerous force to the Federation, our own pride. We pushed the the Squid into Tier 1 but that is not good enough. Like the Kraken they simple lay in wait. We must not let up we must fight on.
Militia Check List
  1. Upgrade Home systems, ask your Alliance Leaders which systems. 
  2. Upgrade and Deplex Station Systems, clones stations are top of list.
  3. Deplex, Deplex, Delpex. ( I know that the LP is bad but we need to drive systems under 60% down)
  4. O-plex squid staging systems, Unna, Inna, Rakapas, Asakai and Prism.
  5. Train Heavy Armor (if you have been on coms the last week you can know that we need it.)
We are moving forward my friends. The long summer has come to an end and fall and winter are here. We must be ready. The Federation is expanding and it needs us to spread its glory. Control over Black rise is our goal but it is our Destiny. We are strong. We are free. Fight on my Gallente Brothers. Fight on.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Podcast #2:

Faction Warfare Ideas

TL;DL Some ideas that I have about changes that could improve Faction warfare. I posted these ideas on the EVE forums and you can find them here. Please comment on what you think about them .

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Comet, Hookbill, and Firetail warp to a plex....

On September 2nd, YC115 I decided to go out a a bit solo in my new Federation Navy Comet. I had been trying several fits for it the last months but finally come across one that I really liked. It is a Scram/Kite fit that people have been using on Daredevils and Incursus Over the pass few months. The idea is simple, that instead of fitting close range blasters, you fit rail guns so that you can apply your DPS from further out, then the web and scram are used to slow your target down while you keep at your opt range of 5-7km.  This fit is distracting to people trying to fight you, they are expecting to for you to brawl them. at a close 2-3k range. It is still hard to hard to engage true kiting ships with this fit as it is not fast enough to really chase them down, but if you are set up inside the plex and with your web and scram over heated you can still kill these ships warping into you. The ship is best against brawlers as they are not able to apply damage on to you.
 The Roam
As I was flying around I came across GOrbag in his Caldari Navy Hookbill. I have never fought a Hookbill with this set up, but I have come close to killing them in an Incursus using a similar set up. So I figure, lets test this out. I warp to him inside the complex. As I come in I see that he is not at 0 on the warp-in but at 5k off, this is good for me and I get him locked up and begin to apply my DPS. Using missiles he is able get his damage on me as well, so it becomes a race to the finish. During our fight we began to pull away from the warp-in, just as a small local spike happens. We keep up our brawl, when I click on d-scan and see that a single Firetail is outside the complex, remembering the local spike I figure that it is that gang coming to gank us. We both enter structure yet the Firetail has not came in yet.  As I enter 45% the Firetail comes in and the Hookbill explodes, I try to make it out, but the Firetail gets me locked and scrammed. Knowing I am going to die, I simple click keep at 8.5k range and open fire on the Firetail.
The Twist
I have committed my Comet to die, I simply know that it must, but a weird twist of fate happens. For some reason the Firetail its unable to apply any DPS to me. My AAR finally reload  and I am able to recover some
much needed armor hit points. another thing is that while I am hitting him with both rails and drones he thinks it is the drones so he begins to shoot them letting me get to full armor before I overload and plunge back into the fight. This also allows for full minute to pass allowing my AAR to reload a second time, giving me a solid chance to fight him. It was all I needed. releasing my last three drones and with everything over loaded I broke him into armor, then structure, then dust.  Knowing there was a gang still in local, make the decision to just grab the Firetail's loot, and find that I now have over 300 million ISK in my cargo. Confused I quickly pull range off the button, and check the kill mail.
September Christmas
Sometimes in New Eden stars align and fall into place. You are there at the right time and the right place, this was the right time and place for me. I had just killed a 700 million ISK Firetail, and 300 million dropped. I have only killed one other ship solo that cost as much, but it was loaded with skill books and other loot. This was truly a first for me.  While I will admit that I do not fly the Firetail, and I am sure that this fit is alright, I
was more shocked that the pilot was brave enough to fly it. As a general rule, outside T1 one Frgates you should never fit anything on to your ship that cost more than the ship, for example a dead space mod on a T1 Cruiser. Well T2 ships that changes a bit, but still it is a good rule to follow. But some people sail by a a different star, and to his credit  Espiritu Santo took it to a whole new level with his fit.
While a full Faction, Dead space, and tech 2 rig fit is more common for tech threes, pirate battleships, captial ships, and titians, this is the first time that I have ever seen one on a Faction Frigate. And I would say that I was not impressed in how it preformed. The whole fight he only used is armor repper twice, and the Federation 200mm plate is unless when you look at it fitting stats. The Faction Guns, while costing 600 times more than T2, are not able to use the T2 ammo that he needed to apply is DPS to me. While I enjoy the loot pinta and it was nerve wrecking to have to engagements so close together over all I think I would all this roam opp success.
On a sidenote I have added Espiritu Santo to my watch list as I saw that he likes to fly and lose billion isk Tengus. Here is hopping that we meet again for a round two.

Fly Safe #20

Remember to update your clone after your pod is destroyed. Not doing so means that you will lose your highest ranked skill.