for. So we too will follow in their steps declare our own Manifest Destiny throughout the region of Black Rise.
We have fought hard my friends. We have hunted the Caldari through the region. But we must not relax. While we enjoyed the benefits of Tier control we lose sight out the goal the eradication of the State in Back Rise. We let into out mist the most dangerous force to the Federation, our own pride. We pushed the the Squid into Tier 1 but that is not good enough. Like the Kraken they simple lay in wait. We must not let up we must fight on.
Militia Check List
- Upgrade Home systems, ask your Alliance Leaders which systems.
- Upgrade and Deplex Station Systems, clones stations are top of list.
- Deplex, Deplex, Delpex. ( I know that the LP is bad but we need to drive systems under 60% down)
- O-plex squid staging systems, Unna, Inna, Rakapas, Asakai and Prism.
- Train Heavy Armor (if you have been on coms the last week you can know that we need it.)