True Stories 1 is based on the Alexander Gianturco or The Mittani as he is more commonly known, story of the fall of Band of Brothers. It is a 4 part story that looks at Haargoth Agmar and his role in bringing the once greatest alliance in EVE to it's knees.
As far a graphic novels go this is one of the shortest one I have read, only 17 pages. But while it was short, it was enjoyable for the EVE fan. I'm not sure how people who do not plat the game will feel about it. But so far I have seen good reviews to it. What I enjoy most about it is that you can tell what ships are what. It was fun for me saying, there is a Arazu and look that the Wolf.
I am glad that the author and inker took some liberties on the combat and how it looked, though I fear that people that never played the game before will be sadden when it doesn't meet the expectation. The Dialogue is good, and while not the standard in EVE, it does give it a better feel that just local or fleet chat logs. But that said, I'd love to see in next parts, some of the EVEmails sent from Goonswarm to Haargoth. I think that would really bring this story home to those of us that remember The Fall.
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