Federation Comet
Unlike a brawler that wants to be up in the face of its target, a kiter wants stay range from it. Using speed to stay out warp scram and stasis web range. Kite ships also have a different weapon system than a brawler using weapons that have greater range. The Comet is a great fit for this kind of fit with its natural speed as well as 7.5% weapon tracking bonus and 20% weapon damage per level. That with the ability to deploy 3 small combat drones makes it a natural kite ship.
Kiting in game
It was hard for me to make the change from brawling to kiting. It took awhile understanding that I have to be at a greater range than I normally am and the speed of my ship is a lot greater than I am used to. The fit that I use for my Comet is shown below. I use two 150mm Railgun II that give me a good 20km range with heavy ammo. I can switch ammo and boost this range to 37km. This is nice but I run the risk of losing a point on the target. The damage is so so about 125 with Faction Anti-matter and 109 with Faction Tungsten including drones. While that is not going to when any awards it will get the good done against another frigate or destroy. I also run Tracking Disruptor in to help with my tank. This mod also me to throw their guns and now missiles out of target. I am getting better at using this mod, as it was not a normal mod that I used. When I first started fly this fit I would often forget about it. The rest is basic for a kite Nano-fiber Structure, MWD, Damage Control Unit and Tracking Computer.
The Roam
Tonight started like any other roam, I just began to patrol the local Caldari-Gallente boarder looking for squid targets. I know that I am only going to be able to do 2 v 1 fights at the most, so if there are more that two war targets in a system then I just pass through. I also know that I am only going to be able to fight Destroyer class ships and down as larger hulls of all races tend to carry drones which could be the death of me. So with what my targets are in mind I go to the disputed system of Kedama and begin to run defensive plexs there to help secure it for the Federation. I will get my first target in this system a squid, Andrie Jeglow. He would be in a Corax destroyer, and new Caldari Missile boat that could be a lot of trouble for me. We would engage each other at a small outpost and the fight would end with him having to warp off. The reason was that his light missiles were unable to track my fast ship and I stayed out of their range, all the while my drones were dealing heavy damage to him. This is also where the speed of my ship was too great and I was unable to keep a point on him preventing him from leaving. He managed to get out. Several minutes later I would engage another squid in an novice outpost, Eugney. He would be in an Atron class frigate. Most of the time I have seen these ships kite fitted, so I think that this will be a good fight. He is not though, he is using blasters so I know that his max range is about 12km, so I am able to switch to a different ammo and still be able to stay out of his web and point range. Again the speed of my ship is a surprise to me and I over shot him on a turn and he is able to escape my point and gets away.
Gallente Atron
I am feeling a little discouraged by these last two fights and my faith that I can fly a kite Comet is waning. That is when Andrie Jeglow and two more squids, Dipression and Petrowic h come into system. I know that this will be a hard fight, 3v1, but I really want to try. Pertrowic h, Condor is the biggest threat to me, because it is very fast and may be able to catch my Comet so that is the first ship that must go. After that I feel that Dipression's Thrasher is the next due to its very high alpha damage, but I know that Thrashers usually have poor tracking so if I stay 30k off him and the Corax then I should be fine. The battle begins and I start off really well, hitting the Condor and trying to separate him from the two destroyers but they act very well as a unit and stay together. My drones with their good damage did manage to drive the Corax off the field. Because I was scared of getting caught I am unable to get a point. This cat and mouse fight goes on for about 3 minutes when to my surprise Toshi Zawa, sends me a fleet invite and moment later his Vengeance Assault Frigate hits the field. Now the with fight 3v2 we in a much better position. So I redeploy my drones and grab tackle on the Condor as Toshi grabs the Thrasher. We kill both of them but not before Andrie another Corax, Enabrain Tain come back and are able to web and scam me. I would lose RG-NN-II.

Caldari Condor Frigate Minmatar Thrasher Destroyer
Four jumps away though I had another fitted Comet with the RG-NN-II fitting and with in 5 mins I was back in Kedema and then Rakapas where I found my old friend Eugney, This time he would not get away. As I learned from my first encounters and 3v1 how better to pilot this fit.
After killing Eugney nothing else really happened except a weird duel with a pirate. Comet vs Comet not much happened in this fight that last about 10 mins with neither of us losing our ships. The interest thing about fight was that we both fitted differently. He was in a brawler Comet and I in the kite. So he was using blasters that where unable to hit me. What the said thing was in the first 4 mins of the fight we each killed off the other drones so it became a game of his single Armor repair vs my Railgun DPS. The advantage was to him in the begin and I did manage to get him to burn his repper out, but again I missed piloted my ship and he was able to break my point and get away.
Kill Mails Linked Below