Pilot Note
In New Eden there are many many different pilots and many different ways to play. It is the greatest sandbox, where your dreams come true as well have you watch as they are crushed into thousand pieces. New Eden superstar is a look at a different capsuleer that Phox has encountered in New Eden and their take on EVE Online. I do not fully support them, but I feel that their views of the game are important to get a greater grasp of the New Eden Universe. New Eden Superstar are those chosen players that play EVE their way
New Eden Superstar
X Gallentius
If you ever undock in Placid and Black Rise and hit up a few of the Faction Warfare sites, it will not be long before you site is visited by X Gallentius, XG for you new guys. If you are in the Militia no need to worry he will throw you wave and be on his way. If you are a pirate or Caldari Militia member though, beware. His Federation Navy Comet has some teeth and he enjoys using in as much as possible. So for the month of March "New Eden Superstar" X Gallentius.
How long have you been playing EVE? What go you playing?
Since 2008, right when FW started up. What kept me playing? A large fleet battle for a POS in Villasen as a noob pilot when FW first started up. I had no idea where Villasen was, but I died, went back to Orvolle and reshipped. Died again, etc... Our main fleet was in RR Domi's. The WTs kept coming. It was all very confusing, chaotic, and really cool! I was hooked.
What role do you play in EVE, Pirate, Grifer, Education officer, Ect...What job did you start out with?
"Militia Privateer" - I have pretty much always used FW and low sec to make isk.
What makes you keep playing EVE?
The competition, fights, interacting with many different characters and corporations to keep the Gallente Militia strong.
As a Faction warfare pilot why do you fight and what is the best fight you have been in?
We're all in Eve to pvp aren't we? As FW pilots, we fight so we don't get locked out of our stations! :D
I've been in way too many great fights, but one that stands out the best was a fight for a medium plex in Vlillirier. We crashed the plex and they were set up really well inside, but I was flying an Exeqeror Navy Issue ( a ship thought to be one of the worst faction cruisers in the game). It can go well over 2k m/s and can put out 800 dps, which was good at the time before the T1 cruiser buff.
While everybody was fighting on the warp in, I burned out and killed their blackbird, then worked my way back killing cruiser after cruiser until finally my ENI went down in a glorious ball of fire.
Here's Super Chair's perspective:
Battle Report
Favorite kill you have had in EVE?
Way too many really cool kills to have a single favorite, but one really cool one was in Western Placid...
Everyone has a favorite time in EVE eithe a roam, opp, or just a certian place in the game, what was yours?
The most fun I've had in Eve is right now in JUSTK. The improvements to low sec with FW and with Crimewatch have been great. Gallente FW is currently getting its teeth kicked in and we're not backing down. Fights every day, pretty much all day.
Last one, what advice do you have new players or new pvpers?
To new pvpers: Join FW. It's the quickest way to get a stable source of income in the game (while doing something fun). Get into as many fleets as you can. Get on comms, and then get into a good corp (one that is connected with the rest of your faction's militia) that lives in low sec. You will have more fun and learn more about pvp doing this than in almost any other part of the game.
XG is a supporter of the Gallente Millitia. Beside PVP he is a very active poster on the EVE Forums in the War and Tactics subsection. He is good on the spot FC and in the three months have been in the Militia I have never seen him docked up. According to battleclinic.net his favorite ship is the Federation Navy Comet and he as turned me to this ship as well with its deadly speed and great solo ablities. I'd like to thank XG for answering my questions. For the Federation, March EVE Superstar X Gallentius.
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