The Humbling Begining....
Great things never come into being magically. They are created over time, with hard work dedication to those that began it. So holds true the story to Deep Void Merc Syndicate, but that was not always its name. Deep Void Merc Syndicate is the second corporation created by myself, and is the reincarnation of my first corp Deep Void Industrial Group.DVIG started out as a High sec griefer corp. Meaning that when it was it would be engage in PVP with high sec targets and steal from miners to get fights. It only performed at this for a short time when in the fall of 2011 it joined RAGE. Alliance, in low sec then Null. It was here the some current DV-MS pilot cut their teeth on PVP. But this was short lived as the move to Nullsec proved to be the death of RAGE.
Looking for a new home DVIG move to Palcid, then Syndicate where the core group of pilot continued to fly together and work on improving in PVP. Here is where it also gain new member and grow to high member count of 24 people. After six month in Syndicate and leaving Damned Nation Alliance as it failed. Deep Void was once again on the move, but was unsure where.
After looking at opinions it was decided that we had two choices to move to Faction Warfare, move into a wormhole or completely disbanded. After some research it was decided that a wormhole move was not a great idea, and after being the CEO of my own corp for a year I knew that didn't want to move into a new one with some else telling me what to do. So Faction Warfare became the outlet in which DVIG could still be itself and continue to PVP. But due to my poor standing with the Gallente Federation, which had carried over to the corp, I had to close the doors on DVIG. It is still on of the saddest days in New Eden for me. for most of my EVE life DVIG was who Phox Jorkarzul was. But like the Phoenix, in the ashes of DVIG rose DV-MS.
A Rising Star....
Deep Void Merc Syndicate still holds true to the founding principles of DVIG. First is that strong pilots make strong corps. Second that corp is here to serve the pilots not the other way. Last is to build the corp into an elite PVP gang. DV-MS joined FW for the fleets and fights, and to learn a new aspect of EVE.Since joining we have steadily grown from a humble eight active to players to more than 30 active pilots that span the world. We are primary a USTZ corp, but we have 4 players from AUS, 3 from EU, 5 from the UK and as the CEO I live in China. Our skill points range from under 1mil pilots that fly our Derpy Atrons and A-Cat into plexes with success to 102 million carrier pilot. What brings us all to together is good fights, good friends, and laughs.
Here is to many more successful months in Faction Warfare and in GMVA.
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