Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gallente Militia: Excitement Grow

Now we wait.
TEST is coming, TEST is coming. When we do not know. Their internal mails suggest that they are waiting on one or two corporations to reach 0.5 standing with the Caldari State, which should happen then the next two days. So by the weekend TEST will be here.  Exciting times are head for us in Black Rise and Placid. 
If you are not excited, then you should be! TEST is going to bring a whole lot of people to the Warzone. This means more targets than we have had for quite a few months. But is it just not TEST, the CFC, N3, Black Legion, and every other person in space is going to come and try to rain on the TEST Parade. So get EXCITED!!! Black Rise and Placid are about to become the most dangerous places in New Eden and we are right in the thick of it.  
I was happy when I logged into a OMS Fleet today to hear the excitement about TEST. I was glad to hear Old Vets, Line Militiamen, and New Bros all talking about TEST and what ships we had to have. What we needed to do, tactics we should employ. It was more excitement on coms than I has heard in a long time. KEEP IT UP!!! We will need it. Just like with EV0KE this is going to become a war of attrition. We need keep fleets excited and active.
While TEST will surely learn somethings from us, there is something that we can learn from them. We have to keep the excitement HIGH. We have to fight burn out. If you want to know why TEST lost the Fountain War that was it. They couldn't keep excitement, they couldn't fight the burn out. Their FC became burnt out, then their line members lost the drive to fight. Sure they managed 1000 dudes at 6-DV, but who cares about 1000 dudes in one battle when it doesn't when the war. 
Steps to Fight Burn out 
  1. New FC's need to rise: We need new bros or more line members to take up Fleet Commanding. It just has to happen. It does not take much to FC a 4-8 man gang. But we cannot relay on our Major FC to run every event. If our FC get burnt out then we will lose. 
  2. Manage Expectations: Don't then that we are going to win every fight with TEST. We won't. Yes, I said it. While I would rather fly you than another other group in New Eden, we simply can't win them all. So expect to lose some, but learn from the engagement. 
  3. Fleet Change Up: Change up the fleet. If all we do is run Armor Cruiser fleets then we become predictable. Stay fluid and stay flexible. We will need doctrines for ever ships class, and different ones. DERPtrons are a great doctrine because who cares if it lost C*CKBAG is another great one, but we need to have more. Rail-Cats, GankRax, Derptorn, lAHACs, S.AF, Scramkites, Kiterles and C*CKBAGs will all have a place to fight TEST. We need to keep changing it up. Talk to you Alliance and Corp leaders about which ships you should train into. 
  4. Clearing Coms: While the excitement today on coms was great, at time it was bit Benny Hill. We need to clean up our coms for major Militia fleets. Listen to your FC. I'll repeat that, LISTEN TO YOUR FC. If he says align out, you align out. It is very simple to do. I know that we have been solo and small gang for the past two months, but we need to get better at being in fleet. This means cleaning up coms and humbling ourselves. 
This is an exciting time to be in Black Rise and Placid.  We need to keep the excitement up. Burn out will be our hardest enemy. We will lose some systems, we'll keep others. But no matter what we must keep move on. Where ever TEST pushes, we push back. We saw what Level Up did to EV0KE we can do the same thing here. Always remember, "We are Freedom, We are the Justice of Black Rise and Placid. WE ARE THE FEDERATION!!!!"

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