Sunday, April 7, 2013

DV-MS Newbie Skill Training 102..

DV-MS Skill Training 102
Advance T1 Frigate Skills and Destroy Hulls.
Editorial Note
     This is a greater look at  the DV-MS Skill Training. This training guide is requiring that you had looked at and completed DV-MS Newbie Training 101. This training guide is to give pilots the support skills for their Tech One Frigate Hull as well as supporting skills for destory class hulls. Also remember that Deep Void Merc Syndicate is engaged in Faction Warfare, so there is not the heavy stress of getting new pilots in to larger ship hulls such as Battle Cruisers and Battleships. 

DV-MS Skill Training 102 preface
     Welcome back to Deep Void Merc Syndicate Skill Training. In DV-MS S.T. 102 we are going to be looking at some the more “advance” skills that you should train to help improve your self in DV-MS. This skill plan well be some time longer, 38-42 days, but as we learned in DV-MS S.T. 101, EVE is a long term game. This skill plan also requires that you have looked at and completed DV-MS S.T. 101 So lets get started.
Advance Tech One Frigate Training
     Good job pilot on completing the first set of training. Hopefully you have taking the time to continue on training some of the core skills, that will help with fittings. I know that you are hungry to fly something bigger and we want to help, but first we need to improve your frigate. So open up your EVEmon and the first skills that you need to load up into you training plan are Thermodynamics train to level 3, Jury Rigging train to level 3, and Cybernetics train to level 3 (at least). These skills will allow you to become more dangerous in your Frigate. The Thermodynamics skill is needed to “overheat” your mods to get more power out of them. Jury Rigging is needed to fit rigs on your ships. Rigs are helpful modules that get your ship to increase power-grid, CPU, speed, or damage. If you are trying to fit a module a ship but are lacking in one of those then play around with different rigs to see if you can get it to fit. Cybernetics is a skill that needed if you wish to install implants on your clone. These implants will alter your learning attributes, decreasing the time it takes you to learn skills. I put this skill in this training section as while they are important, it is more important to get you out into your ships flying. (Note that some rigs will require your to train another skill as well to use, Armor Rigging and Shield Rigging. Make sure that you also train those skills if you are going to be using those rigs.)
     You also need to train Scout Drone Operation to 5 and Mimnatar Drone Specialization and Gallente Drone Specialization to level 3. This will allow you to use the faster and more deadly Tech II drones. Since many Gallente Ships use drones we need to make sure that we are using them to our full advantage. Ships such as the Tristan, Federation Navy Comet, and Algos are all ships that will need Tech II drones. 
     You also will want to increase the damage your blasters and railsguns are doing. So this is a good time to do that. So back to EVEmon, and you want to look in your Certificate Browser and under Gunnery find the certificate named Turret Control, you want to add this in your plan to Standard. It only takes ten days. The Turret Control Certificate is giving you the basic ground work for you supporting Gunnery skills. You will need a second certificate from this group as well, so find the Frigate Hybrid Turrets certificate and train to standard. With these skills you now will have some basic levels gunnery skills to help aid your Frigate. (Note that if you are flying a different Races ship you can use the Frigate (weapon system) Turrets certificate ie. Frigate Energy Turrets.)
     You well also want to find the skill Shield Upgrades and train this skill to 5. Yes I understand that most Gallente ships are armor fitted. But sometimes we like to change it up, shield fit a Frigate for maxed Damage out put. In DV-MS we give these Derpy Atrons away, so if you want a free ship it is in your interest to have Shield Upgrades to 5. I know that it is a nine day skill, but it is worth having. 
     The last certificate that you'll need to plan is High-Velocity Helmsman. These skills are found under the Navigation skill. This certificate is used to improve your ships navigation and warp ability. It is key to have these skills trained if you want your ship to move, align, and warp faster. As well as giving your more control over your capacitor use. In Eve your capacitor is life and with poor navigation skills you risk halving that life, before the fight starts. The total training should take 42-46 days depending on implants.
Skill List for Training Advance Tech One Frigate Section
Remember to re-order shortest time to longest. 
Cybernetics I
Cybernetics II
Cybernetics III
Jury Rigging I
Jury Rigging II
Jury Rigging III
Engineering IV
Engineering V
Science IV
Thermodynamics I
Thermodynamics II
Thermodynamics III
Scout Drone Operation I
Scout Drone Operation II
Scout Drone Operation III
Scout Drone Operation IV
Scout Drone Operation V
Gallente Drone Specialization I
Gallente Drone Specialization II
Minmatar Drone Specialization I
Minmatar Drone Specialization II
Rapid Firing III
Rapid Firing IV
Sharpshooter II
Sharpshooter III
Motion Prediction IV
Spaceship Command IV
Navigation IV
Evasive Maneuvering III
Warp Drive Operation III
Afterburner I
Afterburner II
Fuel Conservation I
Fuel Conservation II
Fuel Conservation III
Fuel Conservation IV
Acceleration Control I
Acceleration Control II
Acceleration Control III
Acceleration Control IV
Afterburner III
High Speed Maneuvering I
High Speed Maneuvering II
High Speed Maneuvering III
High Speed Maneuvering IV
Shield Upgrades I
Shield Upgrades II
Shield Upgrades III
Shield Upgrades IV
Shield Upgrades V

Destroyer Class
     The Destroyer class hulls are ships that were created to be anti-frigate support ships for large fleets. There are two types of Destroyers hulls for each race, the Turret Platforms, Catalyst, Cormorant, Coercer, and Thrasher, and the Support Platforms, Algos, Corax, Dragoon, and Talwar. While all Destroyers are heavy DPS Ships, the Turret Platforms rely on gun turrets to apply damage and the Support Platforms apply damage with Drones, Missiles or Energy Neutralization and have a little be better tank. 
     Destroyers also share the same modules, rigs, and turrets of Frigates. This means that with the right support skills you will be able to get into an effective Destroyer in a short time. Once you complete some of your basic and more advance Tech I Frigate training you will be better prepared to get into your Destroyer. The first skill that you are going to need the Destroyer Skill train to level 3. (Note that in the Odyssey Expansion this skill will be four racial skills, Gallente Destroy, Caldari Destroyer, Amarr Destroyer and Minmatar Destroyer.)
     Now we have to know what destroyers we want to fly, the Algos or the Catalyst.  If you trained the skills listed above the good news is you have the making of a great Catalyst, but we are going to need a few more skills to get our Algos into working order. We know that the Algos is a Support Platform that uses drones, so its best that we train some drone skills to go with it. Go to the Certificates Browser, and under Drones, you need to find Drone Control and you need to train this cert to Standard. Then you need to find the Combat Drone Control and you need to train this certificate to Standard. This will give you basic drone skills that you can improve on as you learn to fly more ships that require them. This skill set should take 6-10 days depending on Learning Attributes and skills.
List of Skills for Destroyers Section
Remember to re-order shortest time to longest
Destroyers I
Destroyers II
Destroyers III
Gallente Cruiser I
Gallente Cruiser II
Gallente Cruiser III
Gallente Cruiser IV
Drone Navigation I
Drone Navigation II
Drone Navigation III
Drone Navigation IV
Drone Durability I
Drone Durability II
Drone Durability III
Drone Interfacing I
Drone Interfacing II
Drone Interfacing III
     This completes DV-MS Skill Training 102. Total training time should take 50-54  days depending on Learning Attributes and implants. These skills will help you to build a more solid foundation on your current skill list. Stay tuned for DV-MS Skill Training 103.