While most people that watched FanFest on the live stream were excited about New EVE trailer, improvements to DUST 514, improvement to scanning and new ships. They thing that stuck out to me was the EVE True Stories. For the past month CCP as been gathering stories from EVE players about the last 10 years of the game. They have all made it to EVE: True Stories. While some people felt that was just a way to celebrate 10 years of the games CCP decided to up the ante. With a partnership with DarkHorse Comics, CCP is going to be taking those true stories and creating a Graphic Novel series. This series will be sold in stories and online. That really caught my eye. As a comic book fan knowing that my true story could be shared to the world in a comic makes me very very very excited. The deadline for submitting stories is May 5 2012, so if you have story please submit today. That was not enough though.
For years people have been asking CCP to make an EVE movie, based off the Tony Gonzalez books or Eve Lore. CCP said that this would not be good enough as it does not tell the true story of New Eden. So there is no movie coming out, but don't get down, cause CCP did say that they are doing a live action Mini Series such as Game of Thrones and Walking Dead. Where are they getting the stories? They same place that got the stories for the comics. They already have teamed up with a director to start talking about the project.
Monument for the Ages
The last thing that CCP is going to do is create a Monument of EVE in Reykjavik, Iceland. They monument will have a metal base that contains all the names of EVE characters That log on in the month of May. This Monument will be in a city park and stand 4.5 meters high. All the detals are still in the air about what it will look like, but it was say that it will have an Amarr structure on it.
Since Fanfest 2010 CCP as said that EVE is Real. It was mad fun of by the player base, but CCP was not laughing. They watned a game that seemed real to those that played it. With the Comics, EVE TV, and Monument CCP is straving to make EVE a game that it truely real to those that play it.