It is often asked by younger pilots, what do we train and how do we know what to plan? This is a very basic guide to help the New Recruits of DV-MS in their training. To start off is a list of help skills to look at. You cannot go wrong with training these skills to 5 as they are core skills.
Drones V: maximize amount of drone
control on subcap ships 5
Engineering V: maximize the power core.
Electronics V: maximize the CPU.
Energy Management V: maximize the
capacitor capacity.
Energy Systems Operation V: maximize
the capacitor recharge rate.
Energy Grid Upgrades V: to reduce the
CPU requirements of installing power modules.
Mechanics V: maximize structure
Gunnery V: 10% weapon damage for all
Missile Launcher Operation V: 10%
weapon damage for all missiles.
Shield Management V: maximize shield
Shield Operation V: maximize the shield
recharge rate.
Hull Upgrades V: maximize armor
Repair Systems IV: be able to operate
the best armor and hull repair modules. If you train to V, some of
your cap stable ships may become non cap stable, because the armor
repairers will run shorter cycles.
Welcome to Skill Training 101
Welcome to DV-MS Newbie Training
program. We were all once Newbies in the game and some of still are
(cough cough me cough). So we all can benefit from having having a
bit of knowledge on what to train. If you haven't please take time in
reading my other post on skill planning. We will be creating
a skill plan for PvP and combat. Some skills may cross over into
combat pve, ratting, but most of this will be PVP only. This will go
over a short term skill plan that requires just under a month of training.
More advance skill plans will be shown in the future.
Getting Started
Now to start all you all need to download EVEMon. This is a tool that is greatly needed for your skill
plan to work. Have it, good. Once open you need to put in your API
information. Then click on your characters profile, then under the
plans tab at the top create new plan. It will ask you to name the
plan. So name it and now we are ready.
Once the plan is open you will see a
lot of opinions at the top. Do not get overwhelmed, where are just
going to look as few tabs and I'll let you play with the rest. The
first tab that I want to click on is the Ship Browser tab, and then
find the Atron, under Gallente Frigates. Once you find look at the
right side and you will see two boxes. The first is Recommended
Certificates the second is Required Skills. Look at the Recommended
Certificates and first one you will see in Core Competency to Basic.
Now find the ship class Vexor. If you look at the Recommended you
will see that Core Competency Basic is recommended for this ship as
well. (The item tab is similar to the ship tab in that will show you
the skill needed for the item you look up.)
What is Core Competency? Well the Core
Competency Certificate is a group of basic skills that help with
fitting, cap usage, tanking, and targeting. These skills are
sometimes so basic that they are over looked, and not sought after
because they don't directly affect what every wants and that is DPS.
Now some you may already have Core
Competency to basic and that is good. The second tab that we want to
look at is Skill Browser tab. This tabs allows to see all the skills
in the game. They are list just like in the market menu in the game
so they are easy to browse and find. This is useful if you know the
skill that you are looking for you can just go find it, click add to
skill plan and look for the next one.
The last tab that we need to focus on
is the Certificates tab. Remember the Recommended Certificates we
looked at with the Atron and Vexor, this tab shows all the
certificates in the game. Like Skills there are crazy amount. In EVE
Online there are no “skill” trees as there are in other games.
The closes thing to it are certificates. There are Certs for basic
Core Skills to Leadership skills to Industry. All of these make up a
group of skills that affect the same “Tree” in the game. For
instance the Certificate Armor Tanking, are skills that affect how
well you Armor Tank, and the skill Battleship Hybrid Turrets are
those skills that allow for more control over your Battleship
Blasters and Railguns. Take some time to look at some different
certificates. Note that on the top right there is a blurb about the
certificate, and on the right middle and bottom there is a list of
ships that it is recommended for.
Lets Build....
Now lets build a simple basic plan.
The first step is decide what ship you are going to fly. Let say we
want to fly the Tristan. Click on the ship tab and find Tristan. Look
at the Required skill can you fly it now? If yes okay great, if not
right click added to plan train to 5. If you can right click and plan
to 5. Now look a the Recommended Certificates. Core Competency
Basic, Armor Tanking Basic, Combat Drone Control Basic, Frigate
Hybrid Turrets Basic. Right click all of these add to skill plan.
Now have the basics we still need a
few more skills. If we look at out plan we still do not have anyway
of putting a point on ship and keeping it there were we can kill it.
So lets go to the Item Browser and find the J5b Phased Prototype Warp
Scrambler, it requires the Propulsion Jamming Skill to level one,
right click add to Skill Plan, train to 3. We need a tackle as well,
so find the X5 Prototype Engine Enervtor, right click train to 3. Now
you need to go to your Plan Queue tab and find the skill Gunnery and
Drones, right click train both to 5. Should say that it take 25-30
days depending how your Learning Attributes are set up and if you
have implants. With the current plan if you remap to full attributes
on Perception and then Intelligence it will take you just over 27
days of training without implants.
So we have skills in our plan which
ones do we start first? It may not be right but as a Rule of Thumb I
train shortest time longest when first starting out. So on your plan
queue tab, click the 'Training Time' marker, it will take one or two
clicks but you get your skills lined up shortest to longest. The
reason I do this is to train as many skills in 24hours as I can.
There is no reason to wait nine days for Gallente Frigate to 5 if
there are other skills I need. So shortest to longest allows for me
to train to the most skills I can while letting me be valuable in my
ship in the short time. Also this gives me 57 new skills to train,
when 'I don't know what to train next?'. You can never go wrong with
training any of the core skills to 5.
Here is a list of all the skills on the
DV-MS Newbie Plan. Month one.
***Remapping (active) : i21 p27 c17
w17 m17***
Energy Systems Operation I
Targeting I
Signature Analysis I
Warp Drive Operation I
Repair Systems I
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades I
Electronics Upgrades I
Long Range Targeting I
Evasive Maneuvering I
Hull Upgrades I
Rapid Firing I
Sharpshooter I
Motion Prediction I
Controlled Bursts I
Energy Management I
Shield Management I
Propulsion Jamming I
Energy Systems Operation II
Targeting II
Signature Analysis II
Warp Drive Operation II
Repair Systems II
Drones II
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Long Range Targeting II
Evasive Maneuvering II
Hull Upgrades II
Rapid Firing II
Motion Prediction II
Controlled Bursts II
Energy Management II
Shield Management II
Propulsion Jamming II
Mechanics III
Gunnery III
Energy Systems Operation III
Targeting III
Signature Analysis III
Repair Systems III
Drones III
Combat Drone Operation I
Combat Drone Operation II
Gallente Frigate III
Hull Upgrades III
Motion Prediction III
Energy Management III
Shield Management III
Propulsion Jamming III
Gunnery IV
Targeting IV
Drones IV
Gallente Frigate IV
Propulsion Jamming IV
Gunnery V
Drones V
Gallente Frigate V
A more advance plan is coming in the future. I hope that this help to all the DV-MS guys and to newer pilots reading the blog. Note that while I used the Tristan for this plan, you can create your plan using any frigate in the game and begin pvping your first month of game. It would be wish to note that these are still basic skill level and that it takes time and practice to get good at using your ship.