Tuesday, June 18, 2013

DV-MS Skill Training 103 Basic Cruisers Hulls

DV-MS Newbie Skill Training 103
Basic Cruiser Hull
Editorial Note
This is a greater look at the DV-MS Skill Training. This training guide is requiring that you had looked at and completed DV-MS Newbie Training 101 and 102. This guide is to give pilots the support skills for their Tech One Cruiser Hulls. Remember that Deep Void Merc Syndicate is engaged in Faction Warfare, so there is not a heavy stress of getting new pilots into larger ship hull such as Battle Cruiser and Battleship. 
DV-MS Skill Training 102 preface
     Welcome back to Deep Void Merc Syndicate Skill Training. In DV-MS S.T. 103 we are going to be looking at some basic skills that you'll need to fly the Cruiser Class Hulls. This skill plan will be a bit longer around 60-65 days, but as we all know EVE is a long term game. If you have not completed Class 101 or 102 please go back to them and make sure that have the skill recommended there.  Lets get started.
    First lets look at some good pre-skills that we need.  The first pre-skill that we want is Weapon upgrades to V.  Many of you have probably already training this skill, and you are a head of the curve to the rest of the class.  The skill to IV will allow you to use the Tech 2 damage modules such as the Magnetic Field Stabilizer II, but we want the skill to V for the next skill it unlocks, Advance Weapon Upgrades. This is you second pres-skill, and I suggest that you train it to IV right from the start. This will give you your first 18 days of training. "Do I need Advance Weapon Upgrades?" is what some of you will ask, I will respond with, "YES  YOU NEED IT TO V AS SOON AS YOU CAN."  AWU, is a very important skill if you are flying power grid heavy weapons such as hybrids and lasers. This skill can be the deference from Heavy Neutron Blasters and Heavy Ion Blasters, which could be the deference in killing your target or them killing you. The next skill that you need is Hull Upgrades to V. This skill will allow you to Tech 2 fit your whole armor tank which is needed in Cruiser Hull combat. That should bring your total up to 27-28 days for you skill plan depending on your attributes. 
Basic Tech One Cruiser Training
    Now that you some of the meat and potato skills out of the way, lets see what cruiser hull we want to fly. For the sake of it, lets choose the Thorax Blaster Boat. Go to you ship browser in EVEMon and find the Thorax. Look at that Recommended Certificates. You already should have Core Competency Basic, Armor Tanking Basic, and High-Velocity Helmsman Standard. If not please add them.  Now you need to get into those medium guns, add Cruiser Hybrid Turrets Basic. These skills will help you with the basic Turret skills that you need use Heavy Blasters and Medium class Rail Guns. The medium class gun skills in my opinion is the most import as more hulls use them over an other weapon system in the game. This should point you at 28-32 days of total training. You are at the basic level of flying your cruiser, but in Faction Warfare the Cruiser is work horse so we need some more support skills. Open the Certificates Tab in your EVEMon and go to Turrets.
     Once in Turrets you need to certificate Cruiser Hybrid Turrets. Find Standard click and add to still plan.  I know that it says that basic is needed to the Thorax, but you need to make your Thorax as good as possible as fast as possible. The Standard training only take 15 days so it worth getting it there first. The next certificate you need to train is Cruiser Advanced Blaster Turrets Standard. This will give you access to Tech 2 medium blasters and support skills for them. While there also train the Cruiser Advance Rail Turrets to Standard. Now you should have all skills for Medium Hybrid Weapons.
Skill List for Advance Tech One Cruiser
Remember to re-order shortest time to longest
Weapon Upgrades I
Weapon Upgrades II
Weapon Upgrades III
Weapon Upgrades IV
Weapon Upgrades V
Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV
Hull Upgrades IV
Hull Upgrades V
Medium Hybrid Turret I
Medium Hybrid Turret II
Medium Hybrid Turret III
Medium Hybrid Turret IV
Controlled Bursts III
Controlled Bursts IV
Small Hybrid Turret IV
Small Hybrid Turret V
Small Blaster Specialization I
Small Blaster Specialization II
Small Blaster Specialization III
Small Blaster Specialization IV
Medium Hybrid Turret V
Medium Blaster Specialization I
Medium Blaster Specialization II
Medium Blaster Specialization III
Medium Blaster Specialization IV
Sharpshooter IV
Small Railgun Specialization I
Small Railgun Specialization II
Small Railgun Specialization III
Small Railgun Specialization IV
Medium Railgun Specialization I
Medium Railgun Specialization II
Medium Railgun Specialization III
Medium Railgun Specialization IV

Closing Thoughts
   I know that some of you are looking at the skill list and see skills like Small Hybrid Turret to V and you are wonder why those skills were not on the Frigate training skill list. You are right they should be, but most people train them already simply cause in less than a week you can have Tech 2 Blasters and Rails. if you already have Tech 2 smalls hybrids then you can subtract 6 days off this train. I put Tech 2 medium hybrids on here because they are needed for basic cruisers hulls.  Without Tech 2 guns your Cruiser hull will simply not be effective. While the 2 months of training for this class seems long, the propose is to give you the basic skills that will help you become more effective in this class ship as well as given you the chance to continue becoming more proficient in Frigate and Destroyer class ships. Skills for Advance Cruisers Hybrids als help your frigate hrybrids and so on. In the next class we will look advance Cruiser Hull training.